Monday, December 3, 2012

Assembled Cube Explosion


Friday, November 30, 2012

Box for Assembled Cube

Box for my assembled cube

Autodesk Inventor Assembled Cube

Autodesk Assembled Cube. Fully assembled with all five pieces fitting together.

Colored Cube Assembled

Assembled Colored Cube. As you can see, all five colored pieces are visible.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cardboard Canoe Achievements FINAL

1. Flat bottom
2. Pointed /curved front
3. Double-layered bottom
4. Make a paddle for the man in the boat
5. Make air pockets in the duct-tape to increase floatation in the boat
6. Support frames in the boat to hold up the walls
7. Two holes in the sides for rows/ores
8. Decrease the size of the boat/make it's surface area smaller so we can make it more compact. Less chance of sinking/lighter
9. Box shape of the boat to have our man's weight evenly distributed throughout the surface of the boat
10. Use box's slide flaps to attach the walls.
Criteria and Constraints:
Criteria: Must make a boat and have the boat support at least 1 person in the water. Boat must float.
Constraints: Build the entire boat using only duct tape and cardboard. Must support all of the person's weight. Cardboard may not be seen, must be completely covered by duct tape.
Sketch Ideas:
Select an Approach:
Rectange form w/ pointed from= Approach. We feel that the rectange shape will be able to hold the body weight of our person. The pointed front will help guide the boat and increase the speed of our vessel.
Surfacec Area:
The surface area of our boat was 952 in. exact. So when we divide that toal by 12, we obtained 79 ft. So the surface area of our boat is approximately 79 ft. squared. With this surface area we can easily cover the boat in the duct tape and have extra left over to double over on the boat so it is more water-resistent.
Build it!
Our boat is the the square shaped boat in the left portion of the screen with chris in it. he is the one holding the paddle and looking over at the sunken boat. (Credits to Mr. Olson and Creative Problem Solvers Blog for the picture) 
The Early Bird Gets the Achievement:
Our boat was the quickest boat to become fully functional and completely duct-taped. Since our design was somewhat simple, it was easy to get the walls on and duct tape it. I saw that everyone esle was still taping their boats when we had ours duct-taped inside and out.
For feedback, I thought that our bout did a very good job in the races. As you can see in the picture for Built It, chris is happily sailing along while the boat next to him is having troubles. I thought that the paddle was a great part of our boat because it helped direct and propel Chris with more power and accuracy. If we could have changed one thing about our boat, it would have been to have a more sturdy bottom. We could have put two layers of cardboard on the bottom instead of one, which is what multiple other successful teams did. With only one layer of cardboard on our bottom, the base of our boat collapsed in on itself near the end because of chris's weight. One question I might ask is how did water get to our cardboard that was sealed with duct-tape? We double taped the entire surface of the boat, but somehow water still got into our boat and made it flimsy. This could have been due to a rip in the tape or a small opening we did not see. 
 How Low Did You Go? 
Our canoe sat in the water for a good twenty minutes or so. It actually was very supprising how little our boat sank down in the water. I thought it might have gone down further than what it actually stood at. The unit weight of water in pounds is 62.4 Our pilot, Chris, weighed about 105 pounds. The demensions of our boat was 34 by 28 inches. So, we would first multiply those two numbers. This gets us 952. Now, we divide this number by 12. This gets us 79 square feet.
If we were to do another cardboard canoe race next summer, we would make our boat somewhat differently. First off, we would reinforce the bottom of our boat to make it better. Next we would make a V-shaped front because it seemed to help every other group with their boat. lastly, we will TRIPLE tape the entire boat's surface with duct-tape.
(Make Your Own Achievement)
"One Man Pilot"
Out of every group, we were the ONLY group to have only 1 person in the water the whole time. Every other group had at least 2 people in the water with them. With only 1 person to move, direct and control the canoe the whole time, we feel that our reliance on Chris to man the boat all by himself deserves its own achievement.