-The main purpose of the TED organization is the produce videos that provide entertaining, yet informative information that can be attractive to anyone that wants to watch them.
2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?
The website is designed in a way so that everytime the homepage is visited, a new group of random videos is showed. This helps give the person on the website access to many different videos, all of different styles, different commentators and of different types.
3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the "Show talks related to:" section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer.
-The types of videos that will be most interesting to us are the videos that involve problem solving, designing, building, advanced work logic and advanced work strategies. These videos are the most interesting to our groups because we are all interested at some level in designing and building something. This interest could propel us to go on to bigger and more advanced projects.
4) Based on your previous answer, what are 3 talks (videos) on the site that appear like they would be of most interest to you as an Engineer/Problem Solver? Justify your choices.
-How Movies Teach Manhood: This video is chosen because I greatly enjoy watching and discussing movies. I am interested in discussing the ways movies affect us as individuals and as a population.
-Let's Teach Kids to Code: This video is chosen because I am interested in hearing what the commentator has to say about kids learning how to code. This interests me because the future will definitely involve a mass amount of technological advancement, and I belive it is good to get a head start.
-Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You Die: This video interests me because it involves one of the most well known technoligical engineers ever to walk the earth. I am really interested in hearing what he has to say about life in general.
5) Each student will watch a unique video (clear your choice with me... first come, first served!). Watch the video. Embed the video in your blog post and create a bulletized outline of the key issues presented in the talk.
-The main points described in this video is the effects of famous and well known movies on the manhood of children. The main points of the video include the discussion of how someone should rather have the theme of being a leader and becoming friends with everyone in The Wizard of Oz appeal more to their child than the theme of Star Wars, where the only thing most children pick up on is the explosions, people fighting and lightsabers. Another main point of the video is how the themes of movies has changed since the mid 1900's to now. Before, the main theme in children movies was problem solving and making everything equal in some way. Now, most children movies include a bad guy who attempts to take down or stop the good guy. This taking down usually involves some sort of violence that is meant to be appealing to the children. This is not a good thing in the eyes of most parents, and parents should attempt to try and make movies for children less violent and more aimed toward development and exposure to the real world.
6) How could you get involved in the field/technology/issue you chose to hear about? What experience/skills/training/education would you need to learn to get involved with this field?
-To get involved in this field, I would probably need to watch as many movies that I possibly could. This would give me a great range of knowledge of movies so that I could discuss with my peers the effects of movies on manhood. This field is a field that is very hard to get into.