Friday, February 8, 2013

-The Doritos Commercial caught my attention the most and make me laugh the most.

- The goat make the commercial memorable because the goat was funny and beat up the owner at the end of the commercial.

- It costs 3.3 million dollars to air a commercial for 30 seconds.

- Some other costs of the commercial could have been the actors, cameras/equipment, goat upkeep, and other fees and expenses that may have costed money.

- 3.3million/2 is 1.65 million. Plus extra expenses could equal up to 1 million dollars, so it would have to be 2.15 million bags of Doritos to cover the expenses of the commercial.

- I think the commercial will have to cover it's expenses directly because there isn't really alot of other ways the commercial will generate revenue. There may be a few ways but the amount of money that the commercial will generate is nothing compared to the actual costs of the commercial.


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